Who is John Tucker Hardee? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Suspect, Investigation


John Tucker Hardee Wiki – John Tucker Hardee Biography

The prior child molester who knew all along he was “going to prison,” as proved by a panicked text message claiming so, was given a nearly four-decade prison term on Friday for the hot-water murder of his girlfriend’s 2-year-old daughter in the bathtub. Harley Williams suffered severe burns to her flesh on April 23, 2018, when John Tucker Hardee, 38, left her in a hot tub filled with scalding water.

When the victim’s mother-girl realised what she had done, she texted her to come home from work. made. Despite the evident seriousness of the situation, the couple chose to let Harley die in agony and suffering rather than rushing the kid to the hospital, according to the Norfolk Commonwealth Prosecutor’s Office. According to the prosecution, Hardee and Shelby Rae Love, 28, drugged the girl in various ways before calling 911 in the wee hours of April 24.

John Tucker Hardee Age

John Tucker Hardee is 38 years old.

John Tucker Hardee incident Detail

On April 23, 2018, Ms. Love was at work, and Mr. Hardee was at home by himself with Harley. Harley suffered third-degree burns to 30% of her body at some point that day, mostly to her back, left ear, and limbs. “Mr. Hardee contacted Ms. Love around 4:30 PM asking her to leave work and showed up at her residence at 5: 8 PM, according to the prosecution. ”

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When he arrived, Mr. Hardee asserted that Harley had been burned due to the bath’s excessive heat. Ms. Love thought the burns were not serious, so instead Around 3:30 a.m. on April 24, 2018, Mr. Hardee called 911 when he noticed Harley was unresponsive, shaking, and having trouble breathing. The couple then tried to medicate Harley for the rest of the night using a combination of Tylenol, gauze, Pedialyte, lidocaine, and apple cider vinegar.

Harley couldn’t have been saved at that point. According to the prosecution, the victim suffered a seizure, and first responders could see the girl’s severely burned flesh peeling off. Additional research revealed the person had other injuries in addition to burns. She was battered and her body contained a “toxic” amount of lidocaine.

“Harley’s autopsy also revealed blunt force injuries to the entire body, including a 7-inch contusion to the back of the head and a large bruise to the abdomen accompanied by an internal injury to the small intestine,” according to the prosecution. John Tucker Hardee was on probation at the time of the murder after being found guilty in 2014 of abusing his own son and killing another woman in a Virginia Beach case.

Shelby Rae Love will be sentenced on June 23 for child abuse or neglect and criminal manslaughter as a result of her decision not to seek aid, even after Hardee was charged with and found guilty of being the principal mole in Harley’s murder in July 2022. Love admitted to those allegations.

On Friday, Judge John R. Doyle III found defendant Hardee guilty of second-degree murder, child abuse or neglect, and malicious injury and sentenced him to a total of 45 years in prison, with 10 of those years suspended. Hardee was given a 35-year prison term with 10 years of closely monitored probation if he were to be freed. The 10-year suspension would go into force if he was released from prison and went against his probation, including by getting in touch with a child.

This infant murder case, according to Commonwealth attorney Ramin Fatehi, was one of the “most depraved” he had ever encountered. “The cruelty John Hardee inflicted on little Harley, the burns he made her endure, and the ‘treatment’ he gave her for her wounds that was worse than torture, are some of the most despicable I have seen in my career. Little Harley endured pain during her final hours.

She might have survived if she had received medical attention. She suffered and passed away instead. He declared, “Mr. Hardee has earned his sentence. “We’ll never forget Harley,” The system failed Harley Williams by allowing her to be cared for by a risky convicted felon with a history of domestic violence, according to 13 News Now’s in-depth investigation of the case.

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