Who was Joe Biden? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Cause of Death


Joe Biden Wiki – Joe Biden Biography

President Joe Biden faced the ire of people online after laughing at mention of the 2020 deaths of two young men from fentanyl overdoses. The apparent incident reportedly occurred Wednesday night, March 1, during the House Democratic Caucus Business Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. administration. Greene, at a House hearing on the southern border crisis on Tuesday, February 28, accused the Biden administration of failing to take a firm step to ban illegal drugs from entering the United States.

The 48-year-old politician reportedly said: “This government has failed you, and it is failing American families, and it is failing, most of all, it is failing our children and youth.” He also took to Twitter to refer to Rebecca Kiessling, who lost her two sons, Caleb, 20, and Kyler, 18, in July 2020 after they took pills thinking they were Percocet, but they were fentanyl. .

Joe Biden Age

Joe Biden was 80 years old.

Joe Biden  Cause of Death

Greene posted online: “Hear this mother, who lost two sons to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about the murders of her two sons due to the Biden administration’s refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel from killing. Americans every day with Chinese fentanyl. But Biden didn’t hold back, responding to him on Wednesday, as he allegedly remarked: ”

Isn’t that amazing? (Laughter.) Ugh. (Laughter)”. He then went on to say: “I was the reason, she was, she was very specific. She shouldn’t sidetrack me, probably. She, (laughter), I’ve read that she was very specific recently that she said that a mother, a poor mother who lost two children to fentanyl, that I killed her children. Well, the interesting thing is that the fentanyl they took came during the last administration. (Laughter)”.

The leader added, “Look folks, I don’t want to start anyway. Look, what we’ve done in the last two years: whenever possible, we need to work both sides of the aisle and do as much as we can. We have to unite the country again.” Now, due to the laughs and smiles from him, Biden has attracted much negative comment online with Steve Helms tweeting: “What a selling point.

There is nothing to laugh about anywhere in that statement. And if you voted for him… well, it doesn’t matter… You already know.” One reviewer wrote, “That’s just disgusting.” While another reviewer shared, “I’m ashamed for our country and sore for the mother, the loss of her, and the complete disrespect this president just showed her.” ”.

The fourth said: “When the brain has a hard time processing something, a potential response is a laugh. Even if the context is horrible. When you’re nervous about something, that can also bring a laugh. The clip needs more context after the laugh to tell if it’s malicious.” “The left is falling apart. They have been completely exposed. Get your popcorn ready,” said the fifth. One tweet read: “This is the lowest thing I have ever seen a politician do. Embarrassing.” Another tweet added: “Biden is over, insanity worsens and weird and wrong things like this come out over and over again.”

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