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Archie Battersbee's case will be heard by a court in a last-minute hearing

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An appeals court hearing on the protracted legal argument over whether to turn off Archie’s life support will be held on Monday, August 1. Archie Battersbee, 12, was discovered on April 7 with a ligature around his head and was found to be comatose.

The virtual hearing, which begins at 11 a.m., is expected to cover a petition to keep Archie alive so the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) can examine his case. There is a statutory hold on the completion of the patient’s treatment at the Royal London hospital in Whitechapel, east London, until 1pm Monday

The family received a letter over the weekend from Barts Health NHS Trust, the operator of the hospital, informing them that therapy on Monday will stop at 2pm. , according to a request made by the ministers to the high court. The letter, to which PA Media has access, is attributed to Health Secretary Steve Barclay. The CRPD has reportedly asked the UK government to postpone the completion of the treatment until the committee has looked into the matter.

The letter states that, in the circumstances, the court should “urgently consider” the [UN] provisional boundary committee request. The request said the letter was to be “filed before the judge after hours immediately” or before Judge Hayden, who had already reviewed the case.

The government was urged to “refrain from withdrawing life-saving medical treatment, including mechanical ventilation and artificial nutrition and hydration from the alleged victim while the committee reviews the case,” according to an earlier letter the committee sent to Archie’s family. . Unless the court rules differently at a last-minute hearing on August 1, according to Alistair Chesser, chief medical officer of Barts Health, the plan to stop medical treatment will go ahead.

He expressed his deepest condolences to Archie’s family during this difficult time. A court hearing is scheduled for Monday morning and we are anticipating the results. The treatment withdrawal strategy will be carried out unless the court orders otherwise. Over the weekend, Hollie Dance and Paul Battersbee, Archie’s parents, received word from Barts Health that “all fluid infusions, medications, including vasopressin, will be discontinued” at 2:00 p.m. on August 1. . The young man has been in the hospital forever. after Dance found him with a ligature around his head in April. He is believed to be brain dead and, according to medical professionals at the Royal London Hospital in east London, keeping him on life support is not in his best interest.

On June 29, 2022, in London, England, Hollie Dance (CL) and Paul Battersbee (CR), the mother and father of Archie Battersbee, address the media as they leave the Royal Courts of Justice after win an appeal to have your case. reheard The family of 12-year-old Archie Battersbee have asked the Court of Appeal to overturn an earlier court decision that he is dead and that his life support system should be taken off. His parents, Hollie Dance and Paul Battersbee, filed an appeal because they believe his heart is still beating and the decision should be reversed.

On the other hand, his family has taken legal action to keep Archie’s ventilator, a device that helps move air in and out of the lungs, on and continue his therapy. Her mother had pleaded with Barclay to “act promptly” to stop the termination of the boy’s therapy, describing it as a “flagrant violation” of children’s rights and pleading with the UN to intervene. they are extremely unpleasant and stressful. According to the Barts Trust letter, “We want to make sure you and your family are as involved as you want.”

A superior court judge decided that stopping treatment is in Archie’s best interest after considering the evidence. Dance wrote to Barclay on Saturday, saying: “If this happens it will be extreme cruelty and a flagrant violation of Archie’s rights as a disabled person.” “Archie is entitled to have the international human rights organization review the decisions on his life and death made by the NHS and the UK courts. Hastening his demise to stop that would be totally unacceptable.

A representative from the Department of Health and Social Care stated: “We recognize that this is an extraordinarily painful time for the family of Archie Battersbee, and our condolences go out to them.” The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has asked the Supreme Court to take his statement into immediate consideration, according to the administration.

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