The brilliant display of shooting stars

Perseid Meteor Shower 2022

Nature is ready to put on a show as we prepare to say goodbye to the summer season. The Perseid meteor shower returns every year between July and August, lighting up the sky and leaving everyone in awe. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced the peak dates and times of various meteor showers.

Frequently referred to as a powerful meteor shower linked to comet Swift-Tuttle, the Perseid meteor shower gets its name from the constellation Perseus, where the meteors appear to come from. According to NASA, the Perseids are most active from July 17 to August 24. Fox Weather has your back. According to reports, the peak of the fascinating meteor shower will occur between August 11 and 13. The comet that creates the rain passes close to Earth every summer. However, NASA has confirmed that our house will not collide with the comet any time soon. The northern hemisphere is the best location, according to the weather channel, as up to 40 meteors can be seen in an hour.

How, when and where to watch the Perseid meteor shower

The intense pattern of thunderstorms from the southwest and southeast is the main obstacle to seeing the meteor shower. Also, the excellent view could end up obscured by a full moon on August 11. Heavy clouds were expected to obstruct the view, according to the weather forecast issued a week earlier. Later this week, the Northern Plains, Pacific Northwest, and some areas of Texas are forecast to experience very clear skies overnight, giving Houston, Chicago, Bismark, North Dakota, and Seattle, Washington those who wish Enjoy the view. distinct advantage.

On August 12, 2016, a Perseid meteor flies early in the sky over Inspiration Point in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Earth’s orbit passes through the remnants of comet Swift-Tuttle every year, causing the annual display, often known as the Perseid shower because the meteors appear to radiate from the Perseus constellation in the northeastern sky. .

No matter where you live, the Perseid meteor shower will last until August 24. This gives you ample time to make plans to see the wonder of nature and time it to coincide with favorable weather conditions. The probability of a clear sky is the main consideration. To see the meteor shower diminish further, viewers in congested cities should find an open area, like a skating rink, perhaps away from city lights.

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