What Happened to Chris Farley? When Did Chris Farley Pass Away?

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Chris Farley, a comedic force to be reckoned with during the 1990s, left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. However, his life took a tragic turn, culminating in a shocking and untimely demise. Let’s delve into the events leading to his passing and the circumstances surrounding his death.

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Chris Farley

What Happened to Chris Farley?

“Last July, at a Planet Hollywood opening in Indianapolis, Chris Farley, sweating profusely, grossly overweight, and acting completely out of it, was hamming it up for the crowd by dousing himself with a bottle of milk like an Indy 500 race winner on a calcium bender.”

This incident, marked by erratic behavior, was a glimpse into Farley’s struggles. A friend’s concern was met with Farley’s assertion of living fast and dying young, a sentiment tragically realized on December 18, 1997.

“Arriving home in Chicago on Dec. 11 after only one night at Hazelden, a terribly out-of-shape Farley (pushing 300 pounds) surprised and worried friends with his speedy return.”

Despite numerous attempts at rehabilitation, Farley’s battle with addiction persisted. His frequent visits to detox centers, including a last-minute stint at Hazelden just days before his death, underscored the severity of his struggles.

“According to Seely and other acquaintances who saw Farley during his final days, the actor began a downward spiral on Dec. 14. He maniacally hopscotched through Chicago bars, consuming large quantities of drugs and alcohol and fraternizing with a series of party girls.”

Farley’s final days were marked by a self-destructive binge, characterized by substance abuse and reckless behavior. His friends witnessed a descent into chaos as he immersed himself in a world of excess, grappling with his inner demons.

When Did Chris Farley Pass Away?

“On December 18, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. EST, Farley was found dead by his younger brother John in his apartment in the John Hancock Center in Chicago.”

The culmination of Farley’s struggles came on that fateful day when he was discovered lifeless, succumbing to a lethal combination of cocaine and morphine, known as a “speedball.” His death echoed the sentiments of his desire to live fast and die young.

“For most comics, just getting the laugh is enough. But even as the comedian’s innocently devilish, over-the-top physical high jinks elevated his asking price to $6 million per picture, Farley would self-deprecatingly shrug that his appeal was strictly limited to ‘Fat Guy Falls Down’ shtick.”

Farley’s inner turmoil, characterized by anxiety, self-loathing, and a relentless appetite for excess, reflected a complex persona beneath the laughter. His struggles went beyond the comedic façade, revealing a deeper, darker side that ultimately contributed to his tragic demise.


Chris Farley’s journey, marked by comedic brilliance and personal struggles, serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost behind the laughter. His untimely death, fueled by a tumultuous battle with addiction, highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues within the entertainment industry.

As we remember Chris Farley, let us not only celebrate his comedic legacy but also reflect on the fragility of human life that transcends the spotlight.

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