Who is Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Stockton Rush And Hamish Harding? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Incident Detail


Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Stockton Rush And Hamish Harding Wiki – Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Stockton Rush And Hamish Harding Biography

The British wealthy pirate Hamish Harding, who holds the Guinness World Record for the longest period of time spent at the bottom of the sea, is in charge of the group of five Titanic tourists stranded inside a missing submarine. Ships and aircraft from the United States and Canada have combed the region 900 miles east of Cape Cod, placing sonar buoys near the Titanic that can monitor to a depth of 13,000 feet.

Five persons can be found inside the submarine, which can only be accessed from the outside. Some of the men are famous adventurers, while others are among the richest people on earth.The submarine that was lost while diving to the Titanic is on board with British billionaire explorer Harding. He was visiting the fabled shipwreck in the Atlantic that was over three miles under the ocean with four other people.

Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Stockton Rush And Hamish Harding Age

Paul-Henry Nargeolet is 77 years old, Stockton Rush  is 61 years old And Hamish Harding is 58 years old.

Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Stockton Rush And Hamish Harding Incident Detail

The well-known French adventurer Paul-Henri Nargeolet is also on board. Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate, is thought to be the third crew member. The Prince’s Trust charity board member Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulaiman Dawood, 19, were travelling on the small submerged boat that was bringing paying tourists to see the well-known wreck.

Despite residing in Surrey, England, they are among the wealthiest individuals in Pakistan and are descended from the illustrious Dawood business dynasty. Missing The longest period of time spent at the bottom of the sea belongs to British billionaire Hamish Harding After diving to the Mariana Trench, the lowest location on Earth, and traversing it for four hours and fifteen minutes, the explorer from London set it in 2021.

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The 58-year-old owns three Guinness World Records, and this one was one of them. He also established a record for swimming three miles at the ocean’s bottom. His first record was for flying a Gulfstream 650ER business aircraft around the globe in the shortest time via the North and South Poles in 2019. And finally I used to frequently read the Guinness World Records book as a child, said the father of two, who is friends with Buzz Aldrin.

“I’ve always pondered how I might enter it.” I didn’t believe I could pull it off. Additionally, I didn’t want to do anything foolish, such as set a record for the most ping-pong balls bounced in a single day. Yesterday, as the desperate hunt for the Titanic submersible got underway, family members pleaded for prayers for Mr. Harding, whose most recent escapade had gone horribly wrong.

The explorer, businessman, and pilot is no stranger to dangerous missions. He explained to a reporter in 2021 how he had travelled to the ‘really spectacular’ Mariana Trench, located seven miles below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, aboard his submarine, Challenger Deep, which had suffered a faulty thruster. The sub includes various safety precautions, including a four-day supply of oxygen, water, and emergency food, according to Harding.

The only issue is that there isn’t another sub that can descend there to save you. “To build another one will take three years.” Therefore, having four days’ worth of supply isn’t really a big deal. You won’t be returning if something goes wrong. In addition, Mr. Harding holds the distinction of taking both the youngest person, his 12-year-old son, and the oldest person, moon landing astronaut Aldrin, who is 86 years old, to the South Pole.

Mr. Harding stated to the interviewer: “Buzz is an old friend of mine.” “We had always discussed travelling to the South Pole together, and in 2016 we actually did it.” In addition, he noted that people have a tendency to give up on their aspirations as they age before embarking on yet another journey. When I come up with an uncommon idea, I simply look for ways to make it happen.

He has previously stated that viewing the Apollo moon landing when he was five years old sparked his interest in space and flying. Mr. Harding was one of the six astronauts who travelled to space on Jeff Bezos’ aerospace company Blue Origin’s fifth human trip last year aboard its New Shepard rocket. The prize, which had previously gone to his buddy Mr. Aldrin, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk, was delivered to Mr. Harding by Morgan Freeman also last year.

He expressed his pride at being a member of the OceanGate Expeditions team prior to the trip and predicted that it would be the sole manned journey to the Titanic in 2023 because of the “worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years.” Mr. Harding, an only child, graduated from Cambridge University with degrees in chemical engineering and natural sciences. He was born in Hammersmith, London, in 1964.

Along with his wife Linda, their two Golden Retrievers, Rory, 18, and Giles, 15, he resides in Dubai with his family. Additionally, he has a stepson named Brian Szasz and a stepson named Lauren. Along with leading Action Aviation, a Dubai-based company that serves the needs of the world’s wealthiest people and has made Mr. Harding extremely wealthy, he also leads a life as an explorer. Stockton Rush, an American, is the CEO and founder of OceanGate, which manages the Titan submarine that has vanished.

Before he became an aerospace engineer, Mr. Rush was the world’s youngest jet pilot when he was 19 years old. He himself built a Glasair III aircraft and extensively modified a Kittredge K-350 two-man submersible before creating OceanGate. The latter has completed more than 30 dives to date. He just had one career aspiration: astronaut. He graduated from Princeton with a distinguished aerospace degree and subsequently enlisted in the US fighter aircraft project, but his dream of getting to space was dashed since he lacked 20/20 vision.

He founded OceanGate Expeditions in 2009, which conducts the tours. He wanted both scientists and tourists to have easier access to deep-ocean exploration. The now-61-year-old repeatedly stated in a lengthy interview with CBS News last year that the explorers would be secure and have access to oxygen they would need to survive, but he did not seem to be naive of the risks involved. ‘There’s a limit,’ he added. You know, safety is eventually simply a waste of time.

“Don’t get out of bed if you just want to be safe.” A highly sought-after spot on an eight-day excursion aboard the research ship Polar Prince, which includes at least one dive aboard the little carbon-fibre submersible sent down to the wreck, is offered by OceanGate for $250,000 (£195,000). A “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to safely dive the Titanic debris site is described in the company’s advertising as a “12,500-foot journey to the bottom of the sea.”

Wealthy visitors are advised that they can “step outside of everyday life and discover something truly extraordinary” provided “money isn’t an object and you don’t mind close quarters.” According to reports, the Titan submarine is unable to navigate by itself underwater and must instead rely on text signals from the mother ship to tell it where to go. Elon Musk’s Starlink is used by the submarine to communicate with the surface vessel.

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A CBS correspondent was aboard the mother ship last year when the sub deviated from its intended path. Two and a half hours passed before it ended up missing. Nobody on board sustained any injuries. He has been in a number of films and documentaries on the ship and is the director of underwater research for RMS Titanic, Inc. RMS Titanic Inc. has expressed their desire for “the safe return of all on board” and their genuine support for the Boston Coast Guard during their search.

PH, as he is affectionately referred to by friends, was raised in Africa by his parents despite being born in Chamonix, in the French Alps. Nargeolet served in the French Navy for more than 20 years, rising to the rank of Commander. He then became an expert in deep submersibles and oversaw the first Titanic rescue project in 1987. When asked how he manages the risks of being at the bottom of the Atlantic, he responded, “If something bad happens, the result is the same whether you are 11m or 11km down.”

It’s just not a problem when you’re in very deep water since you’ll be dead before you realise what’s happening. Until her passing in 2017 at the age of just 63, Michelle Marsh, an American broadcaster, and Nargeolet were wed. His children currently reside in Cork, Ireland, while he is now a resident of Connecticut. The famous wreck, which is located 12,500 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, 370 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, was being viewed by paying tourists when Shahzada Dawood, 48, a board member of the Prince’s Trust charity based in the UK, and his son Sulaiman Dawood, 19, were on board the small underwater craft.

According to a statement from the family, “We are very appreciative of the concern being shown by our colleagues and friends and would like to request that everyone pray for their safety.” Shahzada is believed to reside in a Surrey house with his wife Christine, a life coach, son Sulaiman, and daughter Alina. The Dawood family is among the wealthiest in Pakistan yet has significant ties to the UK. They reside in Surbiton, southwest London, but had spent a month in Canada prior to the tragic Titanic disaster.

Shahzada serves as the vice chairman of both the Dawood Hercules Corporation, which manufactures chemicals, and the Engro Corporation, which produces fertilisers, food, and energy. He travelled to the UK to study law at the University of Buckingham after leaving Pakistan, where he was born. He also serves as a trustee for the California-based scientific organisation SETI. The term “SETI” stands for the generic phrase “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”

Researchers conducting SETI studies are seeking evidence of intelligent beings in other star systems, not only evidence of life elsewhere. Shahzada also participates in Prince’s Trust International’s Global Advisory Board, supporting the organization’s mission that every young person should have the opportunity to achieve. He is a member of The British Asian Trust’s Founder’s Circle, and they have joined in offering their condolences to the family.

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