In a devastating turn of events, King City, California, witnessed a horrifying mass shooting that claimed the lives of four individuals on a Sunday afternoon. The incident occurred outside a residence on North 2nd Street during a party, leaving the community in shock and mourning.
King City Shooting Today
A silver Kia pulled up at the scene, marking the beginning of the horrifying events. According to Source, three men disembarked from the vehicle and began “shooting multiple rounds at the partygoers in the front yard.”
The suspects, donned dark-colored clothing with masks covering their faces, swiftly fled the scene after the onslaught. As of now, their identities remain unknown, and they are still at large.
Mass Shooting Leaves Four Dead
Law enforcement swiftly responded to the shooting and dispatched to the scene at approximately 6 p.m. Three men were pronounced dead on the scene, while a woman was rushed to Mee Memorial Hospital, where she later succumbed to her injuries.
Additionally, three other men were transported to Natividad Hospital in Salinas for medical treatment, highlighting the severity of the situation.
The tragic incident is suspected to be gang-related. The news outlet revealed that a total of seven people were believed to have been shot during the incident. The suspects’ motives and affiliations are yet to be unveiled as investigations continue.
Eyewitness Accounts
A KSBW reporter shared an account on X, stating that the shooting unfolded during a birthday party. The assailants, described as three gunmen clad in dark clothing and masks, approached the gathering and unleashed a hail of gunfire before swiftly escaping in their vehicle.
Monterey County Supervisor Chris Lopez, representing King City, expressed his grief on Facebook, saying, “May the victims find strength and healing, may our first responders remain safe, and may we all help restore peace to our neighborhoods and communities.” The incident has left the community in shock, prompting a collective call for support and healing.
The mass shooting in King City has left an indelible mark on the community, with four lives tragically lost and several others affected. As investigations continue, the community comes together to support the victims’ families and seek justice for this senseless act of violence.
The lingering question of the suspects’ identities and motives adds an air of uncertainty, emphasizing the need for a thorough and swift resolution to this heartbreaking incident.