Who is Charissa Brown and Bobby Hardman? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Incident Detail


Charissa Brown and Bobby Hardman Wiki – Charissa Brown and Bobby Hardman Biography

A troubled woman took a lethal dose of prescription drugs after telling her family she was trapped in a “living hell” with a jealous, controlling boyfriend nicknamed “The Devil.” Charissa Brown, 36, was discovered unconscious with toxic concentrations of drugs in her system on February 2 after being held against her will for 24 hours and beaten repeatedly by the “evil eye” Bobby Hardman.

Bobby Hardman, 33, found the dying mother of three in a bathroom at her temporary home in Bury, Cheshire. As futile attempts were made to resuscitate her, he called her mother, Sue Brown, and told her, “Game over.” Charissa Brown’s mother, Sue, was shocked to see multiple bruises on her face and body when she was asked to formally identify her daughter’s body at the hospital. Recently, in a heartbreaking statement, Sue revealed Brown’s circumstances that led to her suicide. “My daughter died under horrible circumstances that made me feel sick,” she said, the DailyMail reported. According to the court, Brown and Hardman met on Facebook last year and moved in together soon after.

Charissa Brown and Bobby Hardman Age

Charissa Brown is 33 years old.

Incident Detail

“Charissa was loved by all and meant the world to all of us and losing her initially made me feel like I didn’t want to be here, but her children need me now,” Sue told the court. “I will never forget seeing her in the hospital where I had to say goodbye to my little girl. She didn’t look like her. The Charissa I remember was always so well groomed and yet the Charissa I identified was covered in bruises from head to head. toe,” he added.

However, prosecutor Miss Vanessa Thomson said: “She [Brown] saw less of her family after he arrived on the scene and her teenage daughter witnessed a lot of arguing. He was jealous and controlling of Charissa and didn’t like that she had male friends on Facebook. Brown told his mother that he had racist views and that she was scared that he would find out she was mixed race.”

Thomson added: “He was violent towards her and in one incident she had been in a pub with Bobby and her father and a man said ‘hi’ to her. The accused got jealous and pulled her hair and a third party had to intervene. .”. “Charissa was encouraged to go back to her family, but she wouldn’t let him. Eventually, she found out the family was mestizo and her yelling and aggression increased a bit.” In a phone call, Ms. Brown told her mother she was ‘living in hell’ and said Bobby had “beat her up”, Thomson added.

“The father of the accused, Michael, called him on the phone and could hear his own son abusing Charissa in the background. He heard him tell her: ‘Shut the fuck up or I’ll kill you, and it’s your family’s fault.’ Hardman then confessed to his father that he had smashed Charissa’s face and broken her nose,” Thomson said.

Tests found that Brown died as a result of the drugs in her system, but police investigations revealed that Hardman had bragged about her domestic abuse. He had a history of violence dating back to 2008, and had previously terrorized and beaten an ex-girlfriend during explosive fits of jealousy. Hardman, from Bury, was sentenced to four years in prison at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court after pleading guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm and false imprisonment this year in February.

In June 2017, Brown was sentenced to prison for the murder of Philip Carter. Then, at the age of 31, he pushed Cater, a stranger to her, between two tram carriages at Manchester Victoria station. Carter, of Blackley, was crushed by the streetcar as he was driving away and died at the scene. Hardman also had previous convictions for assault and battery.

In defense, Hardman’s attorney, Michael Lea, said in court: “He [Hardman] suffered a loss and was extremely upset when Charissa passed away. He suffers from mental illness.” Hardman, who repeatedly interrupted the hearing behind bars via video link, will serve two-thirds of his sentence and will be paroled in 2028 under the terms of a suspended sentence. Sentencing Judge Angela Nield said he was a dangerous criminal who took “perverse delight” in his crimes.

Judge Angela Nield said: “It is of little comfort to her family who loved Charissa dearly that her untimely and tragic end as she was, occurred in circumstances where she was subjected to violence and fear over the past few days. of her life. It’s hard to comprehend the fear and pain that must have accompanied it.”

“Her mother not only had to endure the trauma of identifying her daughter, but also witness the terrible state she was left in. It was the last time she would see her. Few could fail to be moved by the statement of hers which she courageously read before this court,” the judge added.

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