Who was Oriya Ricardo? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Cause of Death


Oriya Ricardo Wiki – Oriya Ricardo Biography

A mother from New York City, whose daughter was one of the many victims of Hamas at an Israeli music event, has compared the terrorist Palestinian organization to the Nazis. The distraught woman pleaded on world powers to unite in opposition to them, saying that “the world needs to fight them.”They are completely devoid of humanity. These young people left after going to the dance. Among them, my youngest daughter,” she added, adding, “I want the world to know that every money you donate to the Hamas goes for terror – it doesn’t go to the people who live in Gaza.”

The Big Apple resident Ricardo was unaware of her daughter’s whereabouts or the fact that she had attended the festival in the Negev Desert. The mother didn’t learn until she received a call in the middle of the night informing her that Oriya was missing. She claimed, adding that she arrived in Tel Aviv on Monday, October 9. “From that moment, I was trying to get any kind of information from my friends in Israel and at the same time to find a flight,” she said.

Oriya Ricardo Age

Oriya Ricardo was 26 years old.

Oriya Ricardo Cause of Death

She was listed as missing, so I was still holding out hope, Ricardo said.Oriya’s older sister Yahali earlier claimed to have received ominous texts from her on October 7’s Saturday morning, according to Sydney Morning Herald. Yahali told the newspaper, “I messaged, ‘Where are you?'” “My sister and I have a morning ritual where we speak, and I hadn’t heard from her.”

She answered, ‘They’re shooting at us. In my arms, my friend passed away. Her sister, who was at the time in Tel Aviv and had woken up to the sounds of sirens, reported that she simply kept saying that her friend had died in her arms. According to the Morning Herald, she claimed that a short while after, she received a message that said, “I love you,” along with a horrifying image of Oriya’s bloodied buddy.In an interview with MSNBC, Hannie gasped heavily when asked how her kid was.

It’s challenging to talk about her in the past tense. As implied by her name, she was light and illuminated every place she went. She was always the focus of attention, a really joyful girl who loved to party, according to Ricardo. The distraught mother continued, “She was the power of my life,” referring to Oriya, the youngest of her three daughters. She eventually learned, however, that her daughter was one of the 260 young people slaughtered during the rave.

Although she acknowledged that Israel had bombarded Gaza, she emphasized that the Jewish state “always responds” to hostilities and that it never initiates them. She stated, “I empathize for these Palestinians, but they are captives. They are hostages in the hands of Iran and Hamas. These terrorists are only concerned with killing as many people as they can.

After finishing with the Jews, they would turn their attention to the Americans, Ricardo continued, “They already did it on 9/11. Even worse than 9/11 was the recent massacre. Israel’s 9/11 is this. I’m going to bury her the day after tomorrow, and my heart is crushed to bits,” she continued. “This lovely, this beautiful, joyful, incredible girl is dead today.Ricardo continued, “But I’ll go wherever to talk about her, for her, and against this terrorism happening in the Gaza Strip.

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