Who was Kobe Bryant? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Cause of Death


Kobe Bryant Wiki – Kobe Bryant Biography

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Michael Russell admitted in front of a federal jury on Tuesday, August 16, that he shared graphic photos of the 2020 helicopter crash that killed nine people, including NBA star Kobe Bryant. and his daughter Gianna, while playing the video. game ‘Call of Duty’ to de-stress.

On Day 5 of Kobe’s wife Vanessa’s civil trial against Los Angeles County, Officers Joey Cruz and Russell were seen taking the stand where Russell revealed, as quoted by Law & Crime: “I feel a deep remorse for that, sir.” The officer said he was relieving a lot of the stress he had by playing “Call of Duty” with his friend and colleague of the Sheriff Ben Sanchez and made a mistake sending the photos to Sanchez. While he acknowledged sharing the information, he also admitted his fault in sharing the images. He said, “I didn’t have to do that,” according to Business Insider.

Kobe Bryant Age

Kobe Bryant was 41 years old.

Kobe Bryant Cause of Death

As stated in the report, Russell also admitted that he wrote a three-paragraph internal sheriff’s department memo about the photos that had five false statements. He had said that he had deleted some photos and only sent two, now he said there were three or four. At the time, he did not mention that he and Sanchez were playing the video game when he sent the photos.

Russell said he had made an “insensitive mistake,” while Cruz, who took the stand on Monday, August 15, mentioned that he went to the Baja California Bar and Grill just to de-stress. And while he was at the bar, he began to “let off steam.” to his close friend, the bartender Víctor Gutiérrez. Both Cruz and Russell claimed the footage was meant to help them understand the magnitude of the crash and help them learn how to deal with the crash, according to the report.

Vanessa filed a federal lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department after an officer and firefighter leaked photos of the crash site. According to The Guardian, her lawyer, Luis Li, stated that phone photos taken at the scene by an officer and a fire captain were “visual gossip” and were viewed “for laughs” with no official purpose. The lawyer argued: “They were shared by agents who played video games. They were shared repeatedly with people who had no reason to receive them.”

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