Who was Kevin Mannion? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Incident Detail

Kevin Mannio

Kevin Mannion Wiki – Kevin Mannion Biography

Emergency services arrived to discover a deep wound on her body and immediately rushed her to a nearby hospital for treatment. However, she succumbed to her injuries three days later from a “catastrophic” brain injury.  Mannion faces other charges including intentional battery and coercive or controlling behavior, but the suspect has denied all charges.

On Wednesday, February 8, jurors heard the horrifying 999 call made by Mannion at around 12:16 p.m. m. of August 16. Mannion can be heard repeatedly repeating Elinor’s name during the call before pleading with emergency service providers to “please come”.

Kevin Mannion Age

Kevin Mannion is 50 years old.

Incident Detail

“There’s blood everywhere. She’s been pierced in the groin. Please, she come,” she continues, before the operator asks for her address. “You need help. She’s dying, she’s dying. Please, please come,” Mannion replies before giving her address. “I beg you to hurry,” she adds. ”

They cut her with a sharp object. She was picking up her stuff, I was pulling her stuff off her and telling her to get out of her and something pierced her groin. I beg you get someone here.” Police Constable Luke Needham told the court that she arrived on the scene at the Great Northern Tower around 12:30 p.m. He said that the ambulance and paramedics were already on the scene when he arrived.

The court heard that the concierge escorted them all up the stairs to Mannion’s apartment. Needam further said that he noticed a man lying on the lower half of a person and then saw a lot of blood on the floor. He added that it was made quite clear that the man was trying to prevent blood from flowing from the wound and he turned and said “thank God you’re here.”

“My first impression was that something was not right,” Needham told the court. according to Daily Mail. He said Mannion was “sweating profusely” and “wheezing,” signs he associated with acute conduct disorder but also showing “something was up.”

Defense attorney Jed O’Connor said, while questioning Needham, “There was a lady bleeding in the hallway of the apartment, so it’s pretty obvious something wasn’t right.” He then asked the officer if he accepted that Mannion seemed “distressed.” PC Needham responded: “I would disagree a bit because he called that person, the legal representative.

If I were in that position, I wouldn’t have done it. So, in my opinion, something was not right.” ” Needham later told the court that Mannion appeared to have called a man named Greg, who he thought was a lawyer, just six minutes after emergency services arrived.

Junior prosecutor Jamie Baxter asked why he believed the recipient of the call was a lawyer. “On the call, he said, ‘Something’s up, I know the police will want to talk to me. I just need you there,'” Needham responded. He informed the court that he saw the man’s contact number listed as “Greg-attorney” on Mannion’s phone.

On Wednesday, Mannion’s neighbor, Ivan Watson, also provided evidence. He told the jury that he remembered hearing “arguing” in the defendant’s apartment around noon on the day of the incident. He told the court that he knew both voices, one male and one female, which was clearly evident from the argument he heard.

Richard Pratt KC asked Watson as he processed what he could hear. He replied: “It sounded like the usual argument, maybe a little higher pitched, maybe more yelling at one point. It sounded like he was saying the woman’s name and banging on the door. It sounded like he was left outside.” he said.

He then confirmed that the name he heard the man say was Elinor.” Watson, who has never met the defendant, said he heard the argument escalate but “couldn’t understand” what was being said. The trial is still ongoing. course. .

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