Who was Joan Hobbs? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Cause of Death


Joan Hobbs Wiki – Joan Hobbs Biography

The grieving children of an 89-year-old lady who was killed by a dementia patient claim that if the care facility had been adequately staffed, it would not have happened. A male resident of the IRT Thomas Holt Aged Care Centre in the southern Sydney suburb of Kirrawee beat Joan Hobbs “black and blue” with a walking frame. Erin Mulholland and Terri Hobbs, her daughters who are both nurses, said they don’t hold the man responsible for their mother’s death accountable but they do want something done to prevent this from happening to others.

The 86-year-old guy entered Joan’s private room last week and beat her in a “horrendous” incident. He was also a dementia patient. Never wanting her mother to enter a nursing facility, Ms. Mulholland had cared for her for her mother for six years. The family was informed by the physicians that her mother needed full-time care as her dementia worsened. The family never expected a dementia patient to murder their mother at a facility designed to keep them safe.

Joan Hobbs Age

Joan Hobbs was 86 years old.

Joan Hobbs Cause of Death

She was dead eight weeks later, Ms. Mulholland said 7News. The family learned the “devastating” truth of what had happened to their mother on July 17 when they awoke to a text from care centre personnel. They immediately hurried to Sutherland Hospital. Her face was “black and blue” and one arm’s bones were “shattered all the way down” due to the terrible injuries she sustained.

I just, you know, completely apart when I saw the injuries and the physical state she was in, Ms. Hobbs recalled. Her left eye was swelled shut, and you could see what appeared to be defensive wounds on her arms. Because nothing else was going to happen, Ms. Mulholland claimed they had no choice but to “sit with her and wait until she died.” I’m just horrified that anything like this could happen, she remarked, adding, “I’m absolutely stunned.”

She “wouldn’t understand what was going on, how terrified she must have been in those last few seconds.” Ms. Hobbs continued, “To see your mother hurt like that, I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy.” According to Channel 7, the elderly man who attacked the retired social worker had only been a respite patient in a secure dementia section at the facility for two days.

The sisters claim that the system must be altered because it failed their mother. The government needs to address the fact that there aren’t enough nurses working the floors, according to Ms. Mulholland. We require extra nurses for each patient. How many more must perish before we take action? They ‘bear no hatred’ against a family they are certain is already going through and don’t want charges to be brought against the man who killed their mother.

Mom’s current situation cannot be changed, but Ms. Hobbs noted that there is something we can do to influence what will occur for other people in the future. The family is currently organising the funeral for their cherished mother, who would have turned 90 the following week.

She was educated, gorgeous, and kind, Ms. Mulholland remarked. It was simply a very, very terrible way for a great woman’s life to end, Ms. Hobbs continued. A police investigation is also ongoing, and the event has been reported to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. IRT Thomas Holt Aged Care Centre has been contacted by Daily Mail Australia for comment.

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